It is quite urgent for welding enterprises to set up the system of computer aided process planning ( welding CAPP) because of the complexity, multi-factors and experience in welding process. 焊接企业焊接过程的复杂性、多因素性、经验性使得焊接计算机辅助工艺设计系统(焊接CAPP系统)的建立显得十分迫切。
The constitution method of intelligent CAPP ( computer aided process planning) System Based On Knowledge and the implement of Knowledge Base and reasoning machine are proposed and discussed. 提出了基于知识的智能化CAPP系统的构造方法及知识库与推理机的实现。
Applied Research of Computer Aided Planning for Cigarette Automatic Sorting System 卷烟自动分拣系统计算机辅助规划设计的应用研究
The general tabulation tool is a crucial module for CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning) system. 通用表格定制工具是CAPP(ComputerAidedProcessPlanning)系统中的一个重要模块。
The research of key technology of a integrated computer aided process planning system 集成计算机辅助工艺设计系统(InteCAPP)的关键技术研究
The application of multipurpose fuzzy optimum technique in selecting the best plan for an urban parking lot is discussed, giving the model and processes of computer aided planning, and the method is also exemplified. 讨论了城市停车场规划评价系统PPE-Pro中多目标模糊优选技术在停车场规划多方案优选中的应用,给出了计算机辅助优选模型实现过程,并对一个优选方案实例进行了分析。
Study on technology of digital optical manufacture based on computer aided process planning ( CAPP) and database 基于CAPP和数据库的光学零件数字化加工技术的研究
This paper introduces a computer aided process planning system& CTUCAPP-1 developed by China Textile University recently. 本文介绍了中国纺织大学最近研制成功的计算机辅助工艺规程设计系统&CTUCAPP-1。
The computer aided process planning system DZCAPP is a comprehensive method of sample method and generating method for automatic process planning. 介绍了一种综合利用样件法和创成式方法自动编制工艺规程的计算机辅助工艺过程设计系统&DZCAPP系统。
This paper presents a component-based computer aided process planning and management ( CAPPM) system. It consists of the following sub-systems: process planning, file management, product structure management, and numerical control program management. 本文介绍了一个基于组件的计算机辅助工艺规划与管理系统(CAPPM),包括:工艺规划、技术文档、产品结构和数控程序管理子系统。
A component-based computer aided process planning and management system 基于组件的计算机辅助工艺规划与管理系统
Study on the Computer Aided Planning for Production 计算机辅助生产计划的研究
This paper presents a computer aided process planning ( CAPP) system based on CORBA/ Web technology, and discusses the implement technology of CAPP system on the network, the collectivity structure and the module design of the software. 提出基于CORBA/Web技术的CAPP系统的开发,论述了网络环境下CAPP系统的实施技术,总体结构以及CAPP软件系统的功能模块的设计。
This paper introduces the development of Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP), analyzes the difficult problems and focal points of the research in CAPP, and points out the developing trends of CAPP. 介绍了计算机辅助零件工艺过程设计的研究现状,分析了其中存在的若干难点问题以及研究重点,最后指出了CAPP的发展方向。
A concurrent engineering oriented computer aided process planning ( COPP) prototype system is introduced. 介绍了一个面向并行工程的计算机辅助工艺过程设计系统。
The program flow of computer aided process planning is given. 给出了计算机辅助工艺决策系统实现的程序流程;
The computer aided planning of cover parts stamping process based on the experience knowledge 基于经验知识的计算机辅助覆盖件冲压工艺决策
Computer Aided Production Planning And Control System 计算机辅助生产计划与控制系统
Development of computer aided process planning subsystem for a cad/ capp integrated system CAD/CAPP集成系统中CAPP子系统的研制
Computer Aided Inspection Planning is an important component in the modern manufacturing technology. 计算机辅助检测规划是现代先进制造技术中不可缺少的重要构成部分。
Analysis and design of a computer aided network planning system 计算机网络辅助规划系统的分析和设计
This paper presents the developing rules and methods of Chongqing JL-CAPP system according to the Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP) basic theory. 本文根据计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)系统设计的基本原理和方法,提出了重庆晋林JL-CAPP系统开发的基本原则和思路;
Design and Development of Intelligent Multi layer Computer aided Frequency Planning System 智能多层计算机辅助频率规划系统设计与开发
Presents a knowledge-based collaborative computer aided process planning system in Web environment. 简介了一个Web环境下基于知识的协同式计算机辅助工艺设计系统。
Part description is a problem of the first importance in CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning) system. 零件描述是CAPP系统的头等重要问题。
With the further application of computer and network technology in enterprises, the requirements to AO system has become a complex system which combine process management and process planning instead of a mere system of computer aided OA planning. 随着计算机和网络技术在企业的普遍应用,企业对AO的要求已不再是单纯的装配指令的计算机辅助编制,而是一个集过程管理和工艺设计等功能于一体的复杂的工艺设计和管理体系。
Computer Aided Planning System for Slabs Direct Hot Charge Rolling 连铸坯直接热装(DHCR)轧制计划计算机编制系统
The application and development of CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning) has offered an approach for enterprisers radically. CAPP(ComputerAidedProcessPlanning,计算机辅助工艺设计)技术的应用及发展,为企业提供了一条解决以上问题的根本途径。
The modern machine manufacture system, Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP) is the link of product design and the workshop production, and the bridge of joining the CAD and the CAM. 在现代机械制造系统中,计算机辅助工艺过程设计(CAPP)是产品设计与车间生产的纽带、联接CAD和CAM的桥梁。
This research is a useful attempt for the computer aided process planning ( CAPP) study on the woodwork numerical control processing. 为木制品数控加工的计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP)的研究作出了有益的尝试。